How do you know if your Car is Road Trip Ready? If your Vehicle is making any strange noises, when you start the Engine. When you Brake or try and Start your Car. Talk to your Mechanic if you don’t have one give us a call. Don’t let car trouble ruin your next long get-away weekend. A few Car Maintenance tasks before you go will get you there and back again but also give you peace of mind. Checking the Fluids in your car.
When was the last time you had an Oil Change? Checking your Vehicle Coolant will keep you and your Engine cool. What about your Vehicles Battery, is it Corrosion-Free and relatively new (2-5 years old). Don’t forget your Engines Belts and Hoses. Belts should be tightly installed and Hoses crack-free.Don't forget to check your Tire Tread.
If you have any noises coming from the Brakes make sure the Brake Pads or Rotors are safe. Schedule an appointment today we will give make sure your Vehicle is Road Ready and Safe. 