There is a lot I could say about this shop and not much good either. The reason I give this shop a 1 star is the lack of ability to provide proper customer service. I work in customer service all day and some people get rude and don't consider what we have to do but we still stay composed and don't criticize or rebuke the customer. Today I was told how I was not going to be provided any service because they saw it as a waste of time.The man who said this said that I going there and not fixing my car (which I had gotten things fixed there many times before). He also suggested I should stop bringing it. Because I live on campus I can't go home to want to mypmy otheroother mechanic cani. affordhave gone to for five years now. I had relied on them to get my car fixed. The beginning of my problems was when they told me I had a bad timing belt. I didn't have the $900 to replace it. Also that was what I paid for the car. So I went home where I had a garage. I took time off and I got to work. When I couldn't finish fixing it due to not having the right tool my other mechanic ( Automotive solution an excellent shop that has always treated me well and have been more than pleasant to work with and I highly recommend if you are in the Lafayette area and need a car fix to go there.) After getting my car finished in getting the timing belt replaced I payed about $400 for it a huge savings compared to my original quote. Then I was also lectured by the same gentleman a few months before this incident about being on time to appointments. I didn't think it was an appointment because first I was told bring the car in about 9 not we will see you at 9. Around and at can make a big difference. As well that day I had some other things I had to deal with being a busy college with often having meetings and class from morning to night. When I got there they were aprently not happy. He went on and told me how I should have brought me car earlier. I respect the gentlemen who work on the cars and their time but sometimes due to unforeseen events I can't bring in my car on time. I got used to going to a mechanic who understand this and never let this be a problem. Guess I was spoiled by good service. All these transactions have been with one person and I don't think he should be fired I do think he should be informed that there is an appropriate point to turn away a customer and in my case I feel I was unfairly refused service.
11/15/20219 Thank you Ray for your honest review. I apologize for the treatment that you received from our shop. Both Rodney and I have talked to the person responsible and informed him that we can not treat anyone that way. He understands that it's not acceptable even if you want to only have us test or diagnose your concerns. If there is anything I can do to make this right with you let me know. Thank you. Rick. 8/4/2020 Dear Mr Ray Williams. We have not seen you since last November. Looking at your vehicle history record we have not actually repaired anything for you, we have just done testing. If you would like to talk about this personally let me know. Thanks, Rick
- Rick's Auto Service