They are awesome!! Do Great wok!!


As always, expert diagnosis and service.


Rick and Jeremy do a great job taking care of my automotive needs.


I appreciate the timely and prompt work and attention to detail. Thanks.


very friendly service and helpful too.


The team at Rick's is absolutely fantastic! Our family has relied on them for our car-repair needs for the past six years, and we have never once had a negative experience. The work is always done well, and the customer service provided by the owner, Rick, and the general manager, Jeremy, is especially top-notch. Their loner cars are an invaluable help, as is, too, their "new to you" used-car inspection. If you're looking for car repair in the greater Michiana area, you won't find a better shop than Rick's.

Thanks so much Ana, It's customers like you who are a blessing to serve! Have a great weekend

- Rick's Auto Service

I received exceptional service and the job was done very quickly. PLUS, the waiting area has an awesome array of treats and beverages to enjoy while waiting. The rose I received when the work was completed made me feel special!!


I took my car in for an oil change plus a fill up on the window washer fluid at 7:20 in the morning. Rick's Auto Service called me at an hour later saying my car was finished and ready for pick up. What service!! They are the folks who truly serve and value their customers.


This is an auto repair station that I can trust.


Everyone I dealt with was very courteous and friendly. I felt like I was treated fairly, with competitive pricing. I definitely would use Rick's Auto again for future atomotive needs.

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