Great place to do business.


Great service, right on time.


Jeremy and Rick are the greatest


You always take excellent care of my car and me


Friendly staff, prompt service and they let me have a loaner car. I would recommend ricks auto to anyone.


Would not trust my car with any other auto repair shop!


I trust those guys, implicitly. They are on point, to the dot on your "i". If you have doubts, look around their bathroom. A bathroom tells a truth about people.


I recently had to bring in both our vehicles, one for wipers, the other because the front of the car was coming off the subframe. Both cars were addressed in a professional, friendly, and quick manner. The first was a fixable job, the second--while it could be 'fixed'--I was advised that the cost of the repair would exceed the bluebook value of the car and still wouldn't be very safe to drive. I appreciate that kind of honesty. Some auto shops just want money, and will put anything back out on the road. The fact that the staff advised me NOT to repair the car, that it was unsafe and unfit to drive, really showed me that they not only do good work, but have good business ethics as well. I definitely recommend Rick's to others in the SB/Mishawaka area and will be coming back to them for any repair work I can't handle myself in the future.


Recently had to bring in both vehicles for repairs. Both were handled professionally, in a quick and friendly fashion. One repair was done, the other I was advised against making because it would have cost more than the bluebook value of the car and still wouldn't have made the car very 'safe' to drive. I appreciate that kind of honesty. Finding a shop that does good work at a fair price AND has honest business ethics? Ya I'll keep coming back to them. Definitely recommend Rick's to others looking for trustworthy mechanics.


Jeremy saw how exhausted I was from the heat and gave me a tall cup of ice water. I was very grateful.

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