Posted on 1/21/2019

BRRRRRRRRRRRRR it’s cold out there!! Your poor car has been sitting there overnight, in the cold your battery is far less effective, the oil is real thick. If your engine is cranking slowly, have your battery checked, especially if it is more than 3 years old. If you’ve been a long time customer here at Ricks Auto Service in Mishawaka, we have the history of your vehicles in our computer and can tell you that information. What happens if your battery is over 3 year old as it may have lost some of it’s original reserve capacity, if you aren’t sure we can test your battery. When you are getting the battery checked it’s not a bad idea to have your alternator and charging system looked at too. Make sure your battery terminals are clean and corroded and the cable look good too. Making sure your battery and charging system are both in optimum condition. Making sure you are using the right engine oil, using a low-viscosity oil such as SW ... read more
Posted on 12/19/2018
“What is a Serpentine Belt?” “How does it work in my car?’ The serpentine belt looks like a long snake like winding belt, it keeps your alternator, power steeling pump, air conditioning and depending on your vehicle water pump running smoothly and effectively. The way rubber is made these days your belt should last between 50,000 to 100,000 miles. But from wear and tear and extreme weather it does need to be changed. If you fine it needs to be changed sooner it may be an underlying problem of possible Tensioner or Idler Arm problem. Signs of a failing Belt may be : Squealing or chirping noises: The belt starts slipping, is when the chirp or squeal begins. When the noise starts usually the belt stretch, low belt tension, or the pulley and belt are not working together correctly. Give us a call at Ricks Auto Service here in Mishawaka. Cracks and wear: You can actually see the physical signs of failure, missing chunks ... read more
Posted on 11/26/2018

"Is your car Winter ready? or What do I need to do to get my car Winter ready?", those are questions that our customers are asking us, and here are 10 simple ways to get your car ready for winter. Give your battery some TLC. Checking your tire pressure can make a big difference. Are your windshield wipers new? When was the last time you got your belts and hoses checked? Is the right type of Oil in your car? Do you have 4-wheel drive? How are your tires for driving in the snow and ice? Your antifreeze is it the right mixture? If stranded do you know what to do? How about that emergency kit, been meaning to put one together? If you are unsure about any of the above or you have other questions please don't hesitate to give us a call so we can get you on the road safely. #Winter #WinterReady #no-start #Freeze  
Posted on 10/10/2018

This year has gone by way to quick, we are looking at weather getting as low as the 30's this week. Just as you would prepare your house, or get your garden winter ready, it's very important to get your car ready to go and in great running shape. Give Rick's Auto Service here in Mishawaka a call at 574-255-4724, or make an appointment on our website