Posted on 9/28/2018

Can You name this part? Who ever is able will get a $25.00 gift certificate to Barnes and Nobles. We will send you the certificate.  
Posted on 9/20/2018

With my short ride to work today I saw 4 cars with either the front headlight, back lights or brake lights that were out. Call us and schedule your Oil Change, get a jump on winter by taking care of your car today. Tell them Ann sent you and get $10.00 off on any service that might be recommended
Posted on 9/17/2018
It is deceiving, the weather going into next Wednesday runs from 85 to a 69 on Sunday. But…the sign of fall is just around the corner. Notice more leaves, the squirrels look a lot fatter and seem to be getting thicker fur around them. We certainly are experiencing summer gone and full throttle into Fall. If you have been putting off that Oil Change or you’ve been putting off the more expensive needs of your car, Please wait no longer before it becomes a major expense. Give us a call at Ricks here in Mishawaka, 574-255-4724, or web Ricks Auto Service Mishawaka. Can’t wait on the Oil Change, no problem let us know and we can reserve one of our “Free” Loaner” Cars. As one Service center put it so eloquently: Time to prepare our homes and our hearts for the changing of the seasons; reflecting on the many blessings we have been afforded and find the ways we can bless others. Always the more difficult, k ... read more
Posted on 9/13/2018

Doesn’t matter how far. just belt up! Seatbelts save lives. Buckle up everytime. Click it or ticket! The earth spins at 1,000 mph. Wear your seat belts. AND MY FAVORITE: Hug your kids at home, but belt them in the car! SO my #TBT is all about SEATBELTS, all you wanted to learn and then some!!! American car manufacturers Nash (in 1949) and Ford (in 1955) offered seat belts as options, while Swedish Saab first introduced seat belts as standard in 1958. After the Saab GT 750 was introduced at the New York Motor Show in 1958 with safety belts fitted as standard, the practice became commonplace. Seat Belts and the Law. In 1983, front seat belt wearing regulations for drivers and passengers (both adult and children) came into force. In 1989, wearing rear seat belts became compulsory for children under 14. Federal laws hold cars and trucks to the standards that were in effect at the time of their manufacture. Therefore, pre-1966 cars ... read more
Posted on 9/12/2018

“Why should I change the #Air #Filter in my car?” “Why should I change the #Filter in my house?” Changing your Air Filter is one of those simple maintenance items that just needs to get done. For example your Engine Air Filter: this is a key part to your engine’s respiratory system, it is responsible for cleaning the air as it enters the engine compartment. It’s key to ensure the air entering is clean, because if not harmful debris from outside could get mixed with fuel and ignited during combustion. Not changing the filter makes the engine work harder in it’s attempt to pull air through the restricted filter, it can create a vacuum sucking in the unwanted debris possibly causing internal damage to the components. Because the engine is suffocating from the dirty air filter, it has to consume more fuel, causing a reduction in overall fuel efficiency. If your filter is now full of dirt a ... read more
Posted on 9/10/2018

For some of us our car is our baby, we clean it, keep it shiny inside and out. We also know when things aren’t quite right. This is my car and I am always listening to any changes in noises. We know when our car is purring, we also know when something is wrong. Ignoring the problem hoping it will go away may end up costing you the big bucks. So, it’s okay to make the sound for us!!! Here are some Sounds and where it might be coming from: BANG: Sounds like a gun, a backfire is a good example Boom: this is a low frequency sound like a bass drum maybe even like a rolling bowling ball or thunder BUZZ: this may be felt through the steering wheel or floor vibrating like an electric shaver, low to mid range CHIRP: just like a bird, could be worn or an belts misaligned. CLANG, CLANK, CLICK, CLACK, CLUNK(the ”C” sound) metallic ringing or striking sound…wrench dropping or hammer striking. Sounds like cocking a pistol, taking a picture(not with your phone). Or ... read more
Posted on 9/6/2018
Have you ever called your friendly Auto Mechanic Shop and they seem like they are asking 20 questions or more? There are times when fixing your car is not easy, because like our bodies, if not taken care of can be major problems and can be expensive. So, we have to do some detective work, if you are like me I’ve driven my car for quite some time. My car is well broken in, so when things don’t sound right, it’s not “purring” for me, I’m able to tell our staff just exactly what I am hearing. For example: having my “Check Engine Light on” could mean so many things, from an easy fix, the gas cap was put on wrong or needs to be replaced. The best way to start diagnosing any vehicle noise is to answer the following questions. If you can answer all of these questions you are 90% there ! Is the noise when the vehicle is stopped or moving or is it intermittent? If noise is speed related how fast/ slow are you going ... read more