Posted on 9/21/2016

Car Trouble Symptom Description Cuts out Temporary, complete loss of power. Engine quits at Irregular intervals. May occur repeatedly or intermittently, Usually under heavy acceleration. Detonation Mild to severe pings, usually worse under acceleration.   ... read more
Posted on 9/20/2016

“How to recognize problems using your senses?” “what’s that smell?” Smell Antifreeze or coolant leak Sweet odor, usually accompanied by steam from under the hood Burning oil Thick, heavy odor, sometimes accompanied by smoke from under the hood or exhaust Electri ... read more
Posted on 9/19/2016
When do I get my Oil Changed? That is a common question asked especially with newer models. For most newer makes and models, oil changes are recommended approximately every 6,000-7,500 miles However, if you drive in a dusty area, be sure to change your oil and filter every 3,000-5,000 miles Many vehicles are equipped with computers that alert drivers when it’s time to change their oil Listen to the warnings. For most of us, all we need to do is follow the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule for oil change intervals. Their guidelines are designed to keep your car in good running condition for a long time.  
Posted on 9/14/2016
ONSTAR Did you know that vehicles equipped with OnStar have an Automatic Crash Notification System? This System can automatically alert the OnStar Call Center when an air bag deploys during a collision. If emergency assistance is needed, OnStar will contact an emergency who travel alone or with children. If your car has an OnStar-equipped system, it would be wise to teach your children to respond to an OnStar after a crash
Posted on 9/8/2016

BRAKE PADS What is your driving style? What type of driving do you do? The weight of your vehicle, the quality of the brake pads, and the conditions of your brake rotors. If you drive aggressively(tailgate others, hard brake at stoplights, etc.) you will use the brakes more often and wear them out quicker. If you drive in a hilly area or in constant stop and go traffic, you will use the brakes more often and wear them out quicker than normal. We do a free brake inspection, and almost all brake pads come with a built in wear indicator. So, when it makes contact, you will hear a slight screeching or scraping sound. Call us, you don’t have to come in that same day, but don’t wait too long. Running the pads too low can cause damage to your rotors
Posted on 9/2/2016

Even though our days are still in the 70’s and 80’s our nights are dipping into the low 50’s we might stop thinking about our engine’s cooling system. It only needs to be in tip top shape during the summer months right? It’s true that it’s important for your cooling system to function at its best during the summer, but it’s equally important to have it functioning properly during the cooler months as well. Why have a properly maintained cooling system in the winter: Freeze protection Continued protection against over heating Reduced thermal stresses by having uniform temperatures around your engine and radiator Improved cabin heater efficiency Depending on the age of your coolant and how it was added to your cooling system, it’s possible that there is not a high enough concentration of antifreeze. Without the proper ratios of antifreeze and water, it is possible that your cooling system may fr ... read more