Posted on 3/16/2018

As we get closer to Spring/Easter break, and summer right around the corner here are a few ways to cut your car expenses: Drive sensibly: If you have a bad habit to speed and hard brake those are quick ways you can waste gas. That type of aggressive driving can lower gas mileage on highway 33% around town 5%, Adds up after a while. Cruise at 50 mph. In all honesty don’t know how you can do this one because in town the speed limit is way less than 50. The freeway is way faster than the 50 mph. It says roughly savings up to $477 a year, not milk change. Stop Idling. I am guilty of this, it says that you spend about $140 a year if you idle more than 2 hours a week. Embrace the heat. Someone from the west or lives in dry weather, not our Midwest weather, where you step outside and are dripping before you take two steps! You can save roughly $120 a year, sorry I will keep my A/C on well worth the $120!! G ... read more
Posted on 3/14/2018

SPRING IS REALLY GOING TO HAPPEN!!! South Bend and Plymouth have seen hefty snow totals of more than 62.3”. LaPorte has seen a whooping 92.4”, while others have seen 58.2” and lower(still an amazing amount). So for sure Spring will be here, let’s start thinking about “Spring Cleaning” your car! When was the last time you had your wiper blades(are they cracked or streaking your windshield)? What about your tires? Do you see any bulges or bald spots? All the filters and fluids should be checked-don’t forget engine oil, transmission, power steering and brake fluids. Don forget your windshield wiper solvent and antifreeze/coolant. If your air filters are filthy they could cause the engine to lose power or can waste gas. Hoses and belts with use can become loose,brittle, cracked or show signs of excessive wear. These are critical in the proper function of the electrical, power steering, air conditioning and cooli ... read more
Posted on 3/8/2018
Any leak no matter where it is, is never ideal, especially if it is a vacuum leak. With leaking seals, the engine works harder, putting more wear and tear on the engine. The Valve Cover Gasket is made of rubber or cork, this seals the cover to the engine, keeping any oil from leaking out. If you are driving with a cracked or broken gasket, the oil will lead, your engine will not be properly lubricated, and then the engine can be damaged seriously. #ValveCoverGasket #seals #maintenance #RicksAutoService