Posted on 12/21/2017

“Have you ever wondered ” why are there lines on the road?” The city does an anti-icing, pretreatment and de-icing. So, when you see the lines know that there is possible snow or an ice storm coming up.t • Pre-treatment – A form of anti-icing where chemicals are applied to the road up to 48 hours before a winter storm to prevent a bond from forming between the pavement and the snow and ice when the storm starts. WHEN AND WHERE WILL VDOT(Virginia Department of Transportaion) USE ANTI-ICING? VDOT may use anti-icing when snow or an ice storm is predicted and when pavement temperatures are above 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Anticipated temperature and type of precipitation at the start of a storm will determine its use. VDOT’s anti-icing program covers at least 200 miles of roads in each of its nine districts. VDOT also deploys anti-icing crews to major bridges, overpasses and areas prone to freezing to keep ice from forming. WHAT SHOULD I DO IF ... read more
Posted on 12/19/2017

Are you looking for a Last Minute Christmas Gift? Do you have that one person who always is the hardest to buy for (or you want to do something special for yourself)? Look no further, buy them our Lifetime Oil Change, It’s Your lifetime not the lifetime of the vehicle, no matter how often you change vehicles. There is a $5.00 disposal cost fee. If you upgrade to full synthetic you just pay the difference. So it really is a win/win you are able to keep up on your maintenance (by our reminders). We also do: Oil and Filter changes using only top-tier, OEM quality products on your vehicle at our recommended service intervals, up to 5 oil changes per year. Multi-point vehicle inspection. 5% Discount on Labor for all future services on that vehicle. Maintenance service reminders Free service loaner vehicles Don’t forget our 36,000 mile 3 year labor and parts warranty. Our goal is to keep all the vehicles we see running for as long as their owners would like. If ... read more
Posted on 12/13/2017

We’ve been asked “Is Brake Flushing really necessary?” Braking systems don’t last forever. Parts, like the rubber in the master cylinder valves, calipers and wheel cylinders deteriorate. Those pieces flake off and end up in your brake fluid. Because of every day wear and tear the fluid gets old and worn out. And, moisture in the system leads to rust, which leads to more nasty bits in your brake fluid. All this adds up to a brake system that has compromised effectiveness and decreased stopping power. A good rule of thumb is to have your brakes flushed about every 30,000 miles or so. If when driving you notice your vehicle has decreased it’s stopping power, have it inspected way sooner than later, just to be on the safe side. The picture above is where the technician bleeds the brake line to get all the air out of the system. #Brakeflush #BrakeSystem #Maintenance
Posted on 12/12/2017

1. Have a spa day. Whether it’s before you go- or after you get to your destination (I prefer after) especially if I know it will be especially stressful. Don’t forget to still exercise, yoga, or walking to optimize your time 2. Book travel at smart times. Consider booking your flight, (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays) train or driving times during non-peak times. 3. Speaking of transportation … rather than relying on public transportation, why not get a good friend or family member to drive you to the airport instead? It might relax you, knowing that you’re in good hands and that you can talk up a storm with a friend- taking your mind off that leg of the trip. 4. Don’t overbook your itinerary. You run ... read more
Posted on 12/5/2017

"Why do I need to do flushes on my car?" "Do I need to change Power Steering Fluid?" Over miles and time, small amounts of wear products will build up in your #Power Steering Fluid. These wear products are bits of plastic, rubber and metal from inside the system that naturally wear off over time. As these particles are pushed around in the power steering fluid, they can accelerate wear to many of the seals on components in the system. Since there is no filter in your power steering system, the only way to remove these small particles is to remove the power steering fluid and add new, clean fluid. This is called flushing the Power Steering System. When doing the flush, we also inspect the seals and hoses for leaks, as the system ages it’s possible to begin slow leak, or seals wear down, dry or crack. The power steering system in your veh ... read more