Posted on 8/23/2023

What is a does a Water Pump do? A Water Pump is a small yet crucial part that is in charge of circulating Coolant throughout the engine's cooling system. The Coolant absorbs the heat generated by the Engine and releases it through the radiator. Keeping the Coolant flowing through the Engine, which, in turn, prevents overheating. What are the Signs of a Bad Water Pump? The Water Pump is strong and it can last up to 100,000 miles if you take care of it. However, like other car parts, the Water Pump can fail and malfunction. Signs that your water pump is bad include: • Strange noises coming from the Engine area. • The Engine Temperature Gauge reading high. • Dripping Coolant under your vehicle. • The engine making a grinding noise. Can You Drive with a Bad Water Pump? The water pump is important for the car's engine. If it breaks, the engine can get too hot. It ca ... read more
Posted on 8/15/2023

Our team is The Socket Wrenches and our goal is to raise 100k pairs of socks as a team! All new socks collected at Ricks Auto Service will go to the local Veterans and the Homeless Center. Socktember was started in 2020 in Washington state by the DJOJO to collect socks for local charities. Each year, it has grown to include more teams across more states, even spreading into Canada. The premise was simple; most local community services need socks. It is one of the highest demand items. For the month of September, we will collect new socks in our lobby. How can you get involved? By donating NEW socks! Now through the end of September, Rick’s Auto Service will be collecting new sock donations. Want to donate online? Scan our Amazon wish list to send socks directly to us or drop them off to ... read more