Posted on 1/12/2023

What are the Symptoms of a Failing Differential? The Differential is an essential component of any Vehicle. It helps your car to turn corners, accelerate, and decelerate, and can be found in both Front-Wheel Drive and Rear-Wheel Drive vehicles. But what happens if your Differential Fails? There are a few telltale signs that point to a failing differential—let us take a look at what they are. Noise One of the most common indicators of a failing Differential is noise. If you notice a loud grinding or clunking sound coming from the axle area while you’re driving, it could mean that there is an issue with the Differential system. These sounds usually occur when cornering or when accelerating and decelerating, so if you hear them only when performing these actions it could very well be an issue with the differential. Vibrations Another symptom of a failing Differential is vibration. Vibrations will usually occur during acceleration or when c ... read more
Posted on 1/6/2023

Essential Maintenance Tips for Keeping Your Vehicle Running SmoothlyRegular Maintenance is essential for keeping your vehicle running smoothly and safely. While some Maintenance items can be done by the owner, other more specific tasks should be left to a Professional Auto Mechanic. Let’s take a look at the essential elements of a good Maintenance Plan.Oil Changes & Filter ReplacementsThe most important type of Maintenance for your Vehicle is changing the Oil and replacing the Oil Filter every 3,000-5,000 miles. Depending on how much you drive and what kind of conditions you are driving in, this interval may need to be shortened. Oil Changes are important because they help keep all the moving parts in your Engine lubricated properly which prevents friction and overheating. It also helps keep dust and dirt out of your Engine and helps it run more efficiently.Tire Rotations & BalanceAnother critical part of ... read more