Posted on 11/11/2020
Hondas are famous for longevity and reliability and that makes them perfect for many Ricks Auto customers. The long lifespan of vehicles like the Odyssey, Insight, CE-V Passport, SI Civic and many others means that preventive maintenance is even more important. The Honda vehicles you see still running well past 200,000 miles have had regular maintenance services along the way. One of Ricks Automotive customer has an Odyssey with almost 400,000 miles! How did that happen? We have provided expert guidance along the way and the result is a vehicle that continues to be reliable, comfortable, and safe. We look forward to partnering with you and your Honda. Join the thousands of Michiana customers who have trusted us over the years. From preventive maintenance to major repairs, Ricks Auto Service at 405 W. Jefferson Blvd. Call 574-255-4724, or visit online: #ricksautoservice #Mishawakamechanic ... read more
Posted on 9/29/2020

"Routine Maintenance" is so important. Why keeping your vehicle clean inside and out is important. “Do you really need to wash your car?” Just like when you get an Oil Change, it’s all about keeping your Vehicle well maintained. Washing your Vehicle especially in Midwest weather has so much value. Your protect your Vehicles Value, with the salt and sand that are put on our roads, all those pollutants do damage to your Vehicles finish. Preserves your paint. Washing your car on a regular basis is a must not a need. With the types of winters we have, using all that salt, washing it regularly helps to keep the salt damage down (rusting). Using products designed for cleaning autos is important. Household cleaners may be harsh and can damage paint. Using terry It can prevent costly repairs. Car filth can damage the vehicles body and paint. Clean cars are safer. Kee ... read more
Posted on 9/28/2020

Does regular maintenance really matter? You bet it does, a city-driven vehicle works harder, not only is the engine constantly working but the stopping and starting uses more fuel. Your vehicles suspension can get a major workout with rough roads and potholes. While freeway driving allows one cruising speed on the highway, all the stop and go traffic and changing of gears takes a serious toll on your engine, transmission and brake systems. Highway miles, most of the time the roads are smooth, you can drive on cruise control, keeping a steady pace reduces the work of the transmission and engine. With very little slowing down, no parallel parking and a longer drive your charging system can work as it should. Your battery and alternator may last longer. Doing regular oil changes, fighting rust and cleaning your filters, keeping an eye on the fluid levels, taking care of those dashboard lights when they first come on. If you need to get your car on a maintenance calls us. Choosin ... read more
Posted on 9/15/2020
Expert Auto Repair in Mishawaka, IN My vehicle’s fuel system consist of: Fuel Pump Fuel Lines Fuel-pressure regulator Fuel filter Fuel Injectors Symptoms of a failing system: Poor fuel economy, Power loss, rough idle, hard starting, Pinging/Knocking, increased emissions; if you are you experiencing these problems it’s best to take your car to a professional repair shop. We will isolate the problem, call you to let you know the problem and with your approval fix your vehicle. We get your car in top shape. Allowing your car to limp along can do more damage and cost way more than the original estimate would. Your fuel pump is an important part of your car, suppling your engine with a steady supply of fuel to keep it moving smoothly. After many thousands of miles, the fuel pump and other parts of your vehicle need to be checked regularly. This helps in keeping the costs down. Choosing the team you can trust is key, Ricks Auto Service., with over 42 years ... read more
Posted on 9/15/2020
We are here to serve. Have a car, truck, SUV or van that needs work, we are your one stop shop. We do most makes and models, Chevy, Honda, Hyundai, Cadillac from simple oil change to major engine replacement, we do it all. Give us or call or look on our website to make an appointment
Posted on 9/1/2020
Expert Auto Repair in Mishawaka IN Your Trusted Source for Expert Auto Repair Work, Every time you get behind the wheel of your car, you have a purpose, a destination. Heading to the grocery store, commuting to work, or taking the family on a needed vacation. Like all of us, you want to get there efficiently and trouble free. Car trouble can pop up at any time, prompting the need for auto repairs. Choosing the team you can trust is key, Ricks Auto Service., with over 42 years performing auto repairs across Northern Indiana. We provide you with expert customer service and knowledgeable ASE Technicians who can diagnosis the problem for any vehicle you drive. Auto Repairs with The Expert Touch You can rest easy when you trust your auto repairs to Ricks Auto Service. Give us a call! Join the thousands of Michiana customers who have trusted us over the years. From preventive maintenance to major repairs, Ricks Auto Service at 405 W. Jefferson Blvd. Call 574-255-4724, or visit on ... read more
Posted on 8/20/2020

Exceptional Brake Repairs Using Quality Parts at Ricks Auto Service your brake repairs are always performed by an ASE-Certified technician; you can count on their expertise to fix your brakes correctly. Whether your brake pads are worn out, your calipers are leaking, or your brake fluid needs to be changed, we are here to get you back on the road. We perform brake repairs on a wide variety of makes, including Chevy, Honda, Dodge and Volvo (to name a few). The safest brake repairs require high-quality parts, as your safety is our top priority. For your comfort, we back all our repairs with our 3-year/36,000-mile warranty. Join the thousands of Michiana customers who have trusted us over the years. From preventive maintenance to major repairs, Ricks Auto Service at 405 W. Jefferson Blvd. Call 574-255-4724, or visit online: #ricksautoservice #Mishawakamechanic #mishawaautorepair #Brakes #el ... read more
Posted on 8/4/2020
One of the common symptoms with an alternator going out is that your charging system will show battery-shaped warning on the dash (or “ALT” or “GEN” light). Another symptom is your dash lights and headlights are dim. Is your car stalling or difficult to start? If the alternator is going, it can drain your battery causing you to recharge often. Other systems such as power windows, power locks, air conditioning even your car radio may be failing. It certainly is worth getting this checked out. Our ASE-Certified Alternator Specialist are here to help you out. From simple oil changes, battery check or major repairs, while applying our expertise to every task at hand and offering quality customer service, join the thousands of Michiana customers who have trusted us over the years. With advanced diagnostics and dealer-grade equipment, plus OEM parts and long-term warranty protection, Ricks Auto Service has one of the best warranties in town 3 years or ... read more
Posted on 7/29/2020
Can you drive a Toyota Camry with a blown valve cover gasket? As long as the amount of oil leaking is small, yes (if you can stand the smell of burning oil). If you are losing lots of oil then no, you could do damage to your engine causing it to seize up. From preventive maintenance to major repairs, Ricks Auto Service at 405 W. Jefferson Blvd. Call 574-255-4724, or visit online: #Toyota mechanic near me #Valve Cover Gasket #Engine Repair #Engine Replacement #Toyota #Ford #Honda #Chevy
Posted on 7/29/2020
Symptoms of a bad or failing Valve cover Gasket. Is a leak in my valve cover gasket serious? Signs of a faulty gasket: Burning oil smell, Valve cover is dirty and leaking oil, Engine low on oil, Engine is running rough and misfiring. The job of a valve cover gasket is to protect the cylinder head from the environment. It keeps oil from escaping your motor, it is made of plastic or cork and is a seal between the cylinder head and the valve cover itself. Over time the gasket becomes brittle and it will start cracking, losing its integrity and could start leaking causing major problems it not replaced. Your gasket may last from 20,000 to 50,000 miles, depending on hard and where you drive your vehicle. From preventive maintenance to major repairs, Ricks Auto Service at 405 W. Jefferson Blvd. Call 574-255-4724, or visit online: #Valve Cover Replacement near me #Toyota mechanic near me #Valve Cover Gasket Replacemen ... read more