Posted on 12/31/2019
If your car “will not shift into gear" or is “stuck in gear” or the “clutch is slipping”. “Ricks Auto Service is the Independent, Full-Service Automotive Repair Facility that stands ready to properly diagnose and make any needed repairs. “Ricks Auto Service” also has the experience and expertise to suggest best practices for preventive maintenance for your vehicle. Ensuring a more comfortable, reliable, and safe driving experience. We service all makes and models including Toyota, Subaru, Jeep, Ford, Lincoln, Cadillac, Chevrolet, and GMC to name a few - cars, SUVs, and trucks. Serving customers in, Mishawaka, Granger, South Bend, Niles Elkhart and surrounding areas for over 40 years. Ricks Auto Service would appreciate the opportunity to serve your automotive service and repair needs. Stop by anytime, 405 W. Jefferson Blvd, call: 574.255.4724, or book an appointment/ text us via our website ... read more
Posted on 12/16/2019
Last week temperatures were in the 50’s, for the holidays it looks like about 30-40’s. Is your vehicles heater working? Are you ready to travel over the Holidays? As an experienced engine and repair specialist in Mishawaka, IN, we are here to help. There are some different reasons why your car’s heating isn’t working and how we can fix it. Not Enough Coolant Most vehicles use long-life coolant (mixture of 50/50 antifreeze and water) in the radiator. The coolant provides protection against boiling in hot weather and freezing in cold temperatures, with little or no maintenance. If your heater is blowing out cool air, it could be because you’re too low on coolant. When you’re low on coolant, your engine won’t be able to send any to the heater core to create warm air. Issues With Your Heater Core A heater core is a part of your cars cooli ... read more
Posted on 12/9/2019
Did you know that more car crashes happen in the fall not winter? (I did check other sites and they are all different!!!) But most agree that late afternoon and evening can be a dangerous time When wet leaves accumulate on the road, they become very slippery. Most people don’t realize that driving on wet leaves can be as dangerous as driving on black ice. Water sits on top of the leaf’s waxy coating, creating a film like that found on ice. Roads covered with wet leaves can be as bad as black ice. When you brake or speed up going around corners hitting that pile of leaves can cause your vehicle to spin. As the weather and road conditions change with the season. Drive on wet leaves the same way you would drive during icy road conditions. Allowing yourself the time to take turns at a slower pace. Making sure there is ample distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. Don’t jerk your wheel ... read more
Posted on 12/3/2019

Here at Ricks Auto Service in Mishawaka In, we’re in the business of quality. Quality work, quality parts, and quality service keep a business going. We offer our customers a 36,000 mile, 3 year warranty on our work. So, we buy the best. Why It Pays to Pay For Quality - When a problem arises, it’s always tempting to save some money by cruising for a deal on parts. The truth is, they aren’t the same, why pay double to have the part put in again? The issue starts with quality, what type of quality are you really getting online? Not only was the vehicle you bought expensive, you need to know your vehicle will run and run well. Warranties Are Important - Cars, trucks, and SUVs are incredibly complicated machines. Sometimes, even the best part will have issues. Problems will arise even among the most diligent and meticulous work. When you go for quality, warrantied work and components, you are already getting something less likely to fail. You are getting some ... read more
Posted on 11/25/2019
NO Crank/No Start or Crank/No Start? There are two types of No Starts/. With the start of the Cold season, we’ve got several calls with these problems. Generally, a “no-start” vehicle will either fail to crank or fail to start while cranking. No-start conditions can arise from many locations on the vehicle, including the engine, transmission, grounding wires in any part of the vehicle, battery, alternator and more. Most vehicles will fail to start at some point. Most common issue is starting and charging system could be bad battery, alternator, battery cable or starter. ONE, of the ways to be on top of that is PROPER MAINTENANCE. Bring your vehicle to a specialist to properly diagnosis the problem. Give us a call 574-255-4724 or go to our website  
Posted on 11/15/2019
What happens to cars in extreme cold? Battery - Ever wonder why it’s harder to start your car in extreme cold? The extreme cold actually pulls voltage from the battery. We do free battery check so you won’t be left in the cold… Your battery should last an average of three years, not sure bring it by. FLUIDS - Check the oil, antifreeze, power steering, brake, transmission fluid and windshield wiper fluid(nice to have) With cold weather the fluids thicken making it harder for the car to run properly. Tires – Did you know you lose 1 pound per square inch(psi) with every 10f drop of temperature. When your tires are under-inflated they don’t drive well. Windshield and wiper blades – It’s the difference from seeing and not seeing having washer fluid and new blades..just make it a habit to replace every 6 months to a year. Spark Plugs – if you have a ... read more
Posted on 11/13/2019
How do I prepare myself for winter? Were you caught off guard? We can help.. But, here are some things that you can do without breaking the bank book. Keep gas tank full to avoid ice in the tank and fuel lines. Use a wintertime formula in your windshield washer. Do you have an emergency kit? Some ideas certainly not an exhaustive list: Cell phone, portable charger, extra batteries Blankets. Food and water – high protein food Flares, tire pump, booster cables, either sand or kitty litter(great traction) Flashlight, extra batteries First aid kit  
Posted on 11/11/2019
The holidays are right around the corner. No doubt you’ve already had plans in the works for quite some time. Destinations decided, hotels booked, and modes of transportation lined up. The unexpected always pop up, be proactive this year! If flying: Shop around Plot connections carefully Leave early Pack wisely Plan ahead for parking Take advantage of shortcuts Travel early in the day Bring some creature comforts Keep cool, don’t lose your temper Put it all together : boarding pass sent to phone, leave early, don’t sweat the small stuff, travel light, go to and through security, arrive at gate early. If driving: Making sure your car is maintained and prepared for Holiday Travel. Some of the most important maintenance items to check off your list to do before travel include: Installing winter wipers Putting on your winter tires Check your tire pressure regularly Keep your gas tank at least half full at all times Ensure your rear window defr ... read more
Posted on 11/4/2019
Your brake system is made of many components when working well, your brakes seem to operate seamlessly. If one thing needs to be repaired, the whole system is compromised. Brake pads, rotors, hoses, calipers, and metal lines all play a part in stopping your car. Our team is equipped to make sure all of those parts are in working order, so you can be safe on the road ahead. It makes sense that brakes need to be serviced more often than other systems on your vehicle. If you think about it, it’s pretty incredible those 4 inch brake pads can stop the momentum of a ton of moving metal thousands of times with no issue. Given the amount of stress your brakes are under, when one component fails, it’ll lead to other failures if the issue isn’t addressed. Bad pads lead to bad rotors, bad hoses lead to worn pads,’s much more cost effective to get any ... read more
Posted on 10/28/2019
Drivers: Halloween Safety 1. Use your headlights — Halloween nights can be foggy and dark. Always make sure you use your headlights so you are visible to pedestrians. 2. Speed control — Be extra cautious and alert when driving. Drive slower than the posted speed limit, especially in residential areas. Excited children not pay attention before darting or crossing the road. Drive slowly so you can respond quickly if you need to. 3. Don’t drive distracted — Keep your full attention on the road. Avoid using your phone and keep music at a level which enables you to hear horns and pedestrians around. 4. Exit driveways and pull onto streets with extreme caution