Posted on 12/31/2018

Do I need to get an alignment for my vehicle? If you are driving straight as an arrow then you probably don't need an alignment. First things first, if you veer to the right or left, you might need an alignment. But, before you run to your friendly mechanic, when was the last time YOU checked your tires pressure. Also inspect and check the "wear" on your tires. You can start by looking at your tires, but don't use that as your only method. You really need to use a tire-pressure gauge, it costs between $5-$30 dollars. Check sticker on your door or in the maintenance or car care section in the vehicle's owner's manual. That done, does your steering wheel vibrate when braking, which may be due to the wheels are out of balance or bent, depending on size of pothole you've hit. When braking are you veering to the right or left? #Brakes #Alignment #Balance #Driveablity #Mecanic #Maintenance #ShopNearMe 
Posted on 12/19/2018
“What is a Serpentine Belt?” “How does it work in my car?’ The serpentine belt looks like a long snake like winding belt, it keeps your alternator, power steeling pump, air conditioning and depending on your vehicle water pump running smoothly and effectively. The way rubber is made these days your belt should last between 50,000 to 100,000 miles. But from wear and tear and extreme weather it does need to be changed. If you fine it needs to be changed sooner it may be an underlying problem of possible Tensioner or Idler Arm problem. Signs of a failing Belt may be : Squealing or chirping noises: The belt starts slipping, is when the chirp or squeal begins. When the noise starts usually the belt stretch, low belt tension, or the pulley and belt are not working together correctly. Give us a call at Ricks Auto Service here in Mishawaka. Cracks and wear: You can actually see the physical signs of failure, missing chunks ... read more
Posted on 12/12/2018

Oil Changes, every car needs to have one, from 3,000 to 10,000 miles-depending on your driving conditions. They need to be done 3-4 times a year, if you want to or not!! We help to make it painless, we offer a Oil Change Club, 4 oil changes for 79.99 or if you have a full-synthetic 139.99. Our trained mechanics take the time to completely check your car, keeping safety first, always. By finding the small problems today and taking care of it now you save $$$ sometimes even in the $1,000s. For example, The most common issue in not changing your cars oil is that the engine runs less efficiently, and as time goes on, it can cause the engine components to warp and wear out....eventually when the oil is not changed, the engine will shut down and have to be replaced. #OilChange #Engine #Gifts #Maintenance
Posted on 12/6/2018

I go to start my car this morning and I'm getting nothing but cold air, or what happened to me...nothing at all. The whole blower went out, but there are some things that can be checked first. If the coolant level is decreased or there is a leak in the system. It's hard to come up with a price up front because we need to get the vehicle in and check if the antifreeze/water level in radiator is low do to leak in the cooling system. A bad thermostat that isn't allowing the engine to properly warm up. the blower fan not working properly the coolant has been contaminated with rust particles. The heater core went out
Posted on 12/5/2018
Can you guess the different filters in your car? Most would guess cabin, air, oil and possibly engine air filters. On reading the different articles, none of them agree how many or what all the fuel filters are: I think it is safe to say that the numbers of filters vary from car to car, checking your cars manual will let you know exactly how many there are. There are also Fuel and emission valve and filter, there is also a transmission filter...only if you have an older model.. each filter having a unique job in keeping your vehicle running smoothly. With an OIL FILTER, not changing it when needed, (or sooner if you do a lot of hard driving) could potentially damage the engine. As your engine runs, over time metal wears down causing tiny particles to be released, when that happens the particles block the flow and can end up in the lubricant. Timely changing of the oil filter will catch those particles, unfortunately the information for when and how often differs. Some say ever ... read more
Posted on 11/26/2018

"Is your car Winter ready? or What do I need to do to get my car Winter ready?", those are questions that our customers are asking us, and here are 10 simple ways to get your car ready for winter. Give your battery some TLC. Checking your tire pressure can make a big difference. Are your windshield wipers new? When was the last time you got your belts and hoses checked? Is the right type of Oil in your car? Do you have 4-wheel drive? How are your tires for driving in the snow and ice? Your antifreeze is it the right mixture? If stranded do you know what to do? How about that emergency kit, been meaning to put one together? If you are unsure about any of the above or you have other questions please don't hesitate to give us a call so we can get you on the road safely. #Winter #WinterReady #no-start #Freeze  
Posted on 11/6/2018

How much do brakes cost to replace? This is one of the most frequent questions that we receive from our customers when calling on the phone. Without first looking at your car and checking out what exactly the problem is, is really doing you, our customer a disservice. What your brother or neighbor needs done on their brakes may be different then what your car will need. If you called a doctor with an aching bum knee, you would expect to make an appointment and have him look at your knee. If he said just take two aspirins or we are doing a whole knee replacement without taking x-rays or even doing an MRI, you would be shocked. So, think of us as your car doctor, let us give your car a health assessment. We do an assessment on every oil change, we cover your belts, filters, check your fluids, brakes, tires, and much more than that. Let us keep your car healthy and you worry about your knees!!! #brakerepair #mechanic #autorepair #oilchange
Posted on 10/22/2018

Mention for October CAR CARE MONTH For our October Car Care Item of the month let’s talk about oil changes. We appreciate you choosing Ricks Auto Service as your one stop shop. So when you come in for an oil change it isn’t just that. We do a visual inspection of your tires and brakes. Check all of your filters and the level of your fluids. Your lights which is something we don’t think about we check those too. All your belts, your battery we do a complete health assessment of your car letting you know in what order are the urgent, and not so urgent but needs to be done items. #OilChange #Maintenance #Health #Belts #Battery
Posted on 10/12/2018

I was wrong, had to dig deep in FB to fine the winner Jeff Shrock won, there were some close answers, but I went to our Tech. He said the closest was Vent Valve. The part is a two-way valve or a vapor vent control valve(VVCV). A VVCV or two-way Valve, is an emission control valve that prevents fuel vapors from escaping into the atmosphere. The VVCV is controlled by the engine control module(ECM) and allows air flow into the charcoal canister to purge the gas vapors into the engine air intake to be burned. #Emissions #EmissionControlValve #Atmosphere #Maintenance
Posted on 10/10/2018

This year has gone by way to quick, we are looking at weather getting as low as the 30's this week. Just as you would prepare your house, or get your garden winter ready, it's very important to get your car ready to go and in great running shape. Give Rick's Auto Service here in Mishawaka a call at 574-255-4724, or make an appointment on our website