Posted on 11/29/2016

Some things I do when driving in Ice or Snow: I but a bag of sand or kitty litter, it adds weight but if I get stuck you can put some under the wheel. You get better traction if you get stuck on ice. If stranded and you need to stay in your car, if running the heat make sure the exhaust pipe is not obstructed by snow or mud. If you don’t want to have the engine running the whole time, keep windows shut to keep heat in, and run the car every hour(depending on how cold it is outside) cracking open a front window when you do that. If in a parking garage opt for an indoor spot when available, or away from the outside spots.  
Posted on 11/16/2016

Signs your car needs Suspension Repair. This system supports several tons of metal, driving year after year the shocks will wear out. Bad suspension can affect your ability to control the vehicle, especially when turning, so please don’t ignore. How do you know it’s time for SUSPENSION REPAIR?1-CAR RIDES ROUGHLY When you begin to feel every bump, potholes(some are so big can’t help but notice) in the road. If the vehicle body is “bouncing” that’s one of the signs. 2-DRIFTING OR PULLING DURING TURNS When the suspension is failing, you will feel the vehicle “drift” or “pull” when turning. This means the shocks are no longer keeping the body of the vehicle stable against the force of the turn. It may also affect the ability to stop your car(it increases stop time by up to 20 percent). 3-DIPS OR “NOSE DIVES” WHEN STOPP ... read more
Posted on 11/15/2016

So my #ProTip for today is checking out your steering and suspension systems. So, what does it mean for your steering system to go out? Here are some things to look for: The LOOK OF THE POWER STEERING FLUID, if it’s old it can cause the fluid to gum up which can lead to power steering failure. New fluid is colored red and the odor is very distinctive. Bad fluid looks dark gray, if foaming or bubbles, water or air is possibly in the steering line. Flakes of chrome in the fluid is another indicator. If FLUID LEVELS ARE LOW that can indicate a leak that needs repair somewhere in the system. You usually can see or smell the fluid. SQUEALING is not a good sign. When turning if you hear the squeal, if means the power steering pump is failing. If you hear a clunking or chattering(squirrels??) under the hood, another indicator pump is going. VIBRATING STEERING WHEEL either your steering is choppy or jumps the ... read more
Posted on 11/3/2016

Getting “Fall & Winter ready” We are entering into the colder weather still can’t bring myself to saying, well it’s white that’s all I’m going to say!!So as the temperatures become extreme, they can be very hard on your car. Here are some beginning steps to take before the weather takes over. 1-START WITH THE LIGHTS With daylight savings time almost on us, it’s darker later in the morning and earlier at night. It’s hard sometimes wondering if that is a motorcycle behind me because the vehicle is missing it’s lights. Most bulbs are easy to replace. Also check all interior lights, headlamps and turn signals as well as brake lights. 2-Check those tires. Check your owners manual for when your tires should be rotated. If tread is worn especially with ice and “snow”(oh man I said it), if you can’t replace all 4 you can start with one pair at a time e ... read more
Posted on 11/2/2016

A dear friend of mine has been doing this for years for the month of November on her facebook, On her facebook page each day she mentions something she is thankful for. I've decided to try this. I know that I've missed the first day of November, but I'm not going let that deter me. Thanks to all of our loyal families who have made Ricks Auto Service their home. Many have been coming with their cars, their childrens cars & now their grandchildren continue on with the tradition. We at Ricks Auto Service here in Mishawaka IN, continue to strive for excellence in all the work we do on your cars. If you have any questions or concerns, about anything with your vehicles, please call us so we can continue to care for you. Thank YOU  
Posted on 11/2/2016
Whether your car trip is 1 hour or 12 hours long, a parent will hear this dreaded 4 word phrase many times from their kids. “Are We There Yet?” “Are We There Yet?” How many times have you said it as a kid!! Does your car have a cassette player or CD, if not to buy one is not an expensive fix and could be your best investment. The local library has some great books on CD(don’t know how many tapes they still have). You can also download a number of different items.The list runs from Preschoolers to High Schooler & Adults, have a summer reading list, great way to get that in. I spy with my little eye, running thru the alphabet will not get you thru 4+ hours of driving but I know the books/movies on cd will. Making a ... read more
Posted on 11/1/2016

Have you been ignoring the small puddle of oil that’s been on the garage floor? Have you been smelling a burnt oil smell from your engine? How about the smoke coming out of your tailpipe? Is it blue? An oil leak, if ignored can become a huge problem that could cost you lots of money. The oil can get on your hoses and seals which causes them to degrade prematurely. They can also be a fire risk to your engine compartment or cause catastrophic engine failure. So you see taking care of it now is important, what color is the lead? Red is probably transmission fluid, green or orange and has a sweet smell that would be coolant fluid, if it is brown that indicates an engine oil leak. What is the cause? Majority of leaks are because the gaskets, oil seals, oil pan drain plug are old and cracked. How is the timing cover seal and the valve cover gaskets? Some of these you could fix yourself, don’t have the time or the know how? Lucky for you we at Ricks Auto Service here in Mishawa ... read more
Posted on 10/28/2016

“Why do my brakes pull to the right or left when I brake?” Are your “rotors” worn or warped? That can cause car to vibrate when you brake, sometimes it may even pull to one side. Do you from a visual inspection see and grease or oil present? Check both sides. Worn or warped rotors: Worn or warped rotors can cause the vehicle to vibrate when the brakes are applied and in some cases the car will pull to one side when braking. ... Collapsed brake hose: A brake hose that has collapsed can cause calipers to move unevenly, also causing the vehicle to pull to one side when braking. --How are the tires are they wearing evenly and what is the overall condition? --Are the tires inflated the same and to specifications. --What about the brake pads are they worn evenly? --The rubber brake hoses that connect to the calipers they should be inspected. Call us at Ricks Auto Service here in Mishawaka In, we do a free brake inspection, Let you know the problem and fix it ... read more