Posted on 4/13/2022

Will Timing Chain cause Misfire? Your Engine will misfire because your Timing Chain has been stretched from age and everyday wear and tear, once it is stretched the Belt loses integrity causing the chain to skip gears and misfire. When the customer came in his Vehicle sounded rough and rattling, having the misfiring, also the Engine Light was on. The Timing Chain links the Crankshaft and the Camshaft allowing combustion in the Cylinders. #RicksAutoService #ricksautoservicein #mechanic #mishawakaindiana #engine #brakes #transmission #timingchain #misfire
Posted on 4/7/2022

What does Potholes do to your car? I do know firsthand that you can pop your Tire, I had that happen and it was a shock. The Pothole can also damage the side of the Wheel, bending the Rim also, the Seal between the Tire and the wheel can be damaged also. After, hitting a Pothole you may notice that the Vehicle is pulling to the right or to the left, getting a Vehicle Alignment should take care of that problem. #RicksAutoService #ricksautoservicein #mechanic #mishawakaindiana #engine #brakeswitch #brakerepairnearme
Posted on 3/25/2022

What does Maintenance include on a car? On Vehicles that are used a lot or older models, checking your Fluids every 3 months is important, the following Fluids should be considered: Engine Oil – level should be close to the Full Line and is clear, you may need to top off, if the oil is dark like is black or brown. You may notice sediments in the oil that could be a major issue and the Oil needs to be changed. Coolant or Antifreeze which is the fluid in your Radiator should be checked about every 50,000 miles, again depends on your driving habits. Power Steering Fluid when that is low steering will become harder as you drive, get that checked out. Brake Fluid is critical (as are all the fluids) over time the Brake Fluid can become contaminated and will compromise your Brakes. Transmission Fluid lubricated your components inside your transmission, compromised Fluid can cause unusual noised, rough shifting or difficulties in driving. One other Fluid that can easily be missed b ... read more
Posted on 3/16/2022

What is good Fuel Efficiency? Limit Idling Keeping your speed steady Tire pressure- PSI (Pounds Per Square Inch) for most makes and models between 30-35 PSI Performing regular Maintenance Updates on your Vehicles software. Use Synthetic Oil. Lose some weight and clutter in your car. Don’t accelerate suddenly you could save 40% fuel on steady stop and go. Avoid rush hour. Group your trips together. Maintenance is an area to consider, replacing components when bad, checking out your Service Lights and take care of those problems. Oil Changes are important, don’t go to long between times, problems can picky-back. Grandma had it right with going slower, her car lasted longer! #RicksAutoService #ricksautoservicein #mechanic #mishawakaindiana #engine #brakes #transmission
Posted on 3/10/2022

What is a Heater Core Box? Just what the name says it’s the heater for your vehicle, it is basically a small radiator taking hot coolant from the Engine. Circulating air through the system’s hoses, keeping your Vehicle warm during our cold winter months. Symptoms your Heater Core is going bad: Fog inside the car There is a sweet smell in the car Losing Engine Coolant Air in the Vehicle is cold Inside of car is cold but the Engine is hot. . #RicksAutoService #ricksautoservicein #mechanic #mishawakaindiana #engine #brakes #transmission
Posted on 3/9/2022

Can Sludge ruin an Engine? Yes, Oil when left unchanged breaks down and becomes full of contaminants, which causes the oil to become thick with bi-products. The Sludge reduces the efficiency of the Oil to lubricate and does damage to sensors interfering with your Engines performance. Regular Maintenance would prevent this timely and costly problem to your vehicle. Identifying Engine Sludge: Start your engine, is your Check Engine Light on, or your Oil Change Light on? Turn engine off and open the hood, check for oil splatter or you could possibly see the Sludge, check Oil if the oil is in clumps on the dip stick, good chance you have a problem. Are you smelling a burning marsh mellow smell? Look in the Oil pan, you may see sludge there. Low Oil pressure Clicking noise. #RicksAutoService #ricksautoservicein #mechanic #mishawakaindiana #engine #brak ... read more
Posted on 3/2/2022

One of our customers called saying his ABS light is on. What causes ABS light to come on and stay on? What is an ABS Light? An ABS (Anti-Locking Brake System) on your Vehicle prevents your Wheels from locking up when your slam on your Brakes should an emergency situation come up. When the ABS Light comes on it usually is one of the following problems: the ABS Module itself is acting up. The levels are dangerously low in the Vehicles Fluid Reservoir. Your Wheel Sensors are broken or strangely enough your System is turned off. The problem that our Customer had was a bad Wheel Speed Sensor, fortunately they brought the Vehicle in right away, otherwise the ABS Brakes would not function properly. #RicksAutoService #ricksautoservicein #mechanic #mishawakaindiana #engine #brakes #transmission
Posted on 2/22/2022

Many customers call asking “What could Check Engine Light mean? And many customers wonder why we have to do a Diagnostics Check; Diagnostic tests are valuable, they help the Technician detect small problems before they become major fixes. Please don't ignore your Check Engine Light. There are many reasons your “Check Engine Light is on” this light is part of your cars’ on-board Diagnostic System, getting read from the cars’ computer. Reasons the Check Engine Light is on: Engine Problems Transmission Problems Emissions problems: All the different Modules and SensorsAir/Fuel delivery problemsIgnition #ricksautoservice #mechanic #mishawaautorepair # #AutoRepairNearMe #autorepairnearme  
Posted on 2/10/2022

The Car you drive needs Water, the job of the Water Pump in your Vehicle main job is to keep the Coolant moving, it goes through the Engine Block, also the Radiator and your Hoses keeping the right operating Temperature. What are some symptoms of a bad Water Pump? The customer called complaining of a burning smell coming from the Engine. Coolant leak Water Pump corrosion. Water Pump Pulley come loose. Engine light on or Engine is overheating. Steam from the Engine Over time and wear your Gaskets and Seals show wear by cracking and drying out or possibly breaking. Water Pumps are made of commercial grade steel, which isn’t always rust resistant, in Midwest weather or any freezing type of weather where salt is used. Water Pump pulleys usually last the lifetime of your Vehicle. In rare cases the pressed bearing can bust loose causing grease to leak out and the pulley stops spinning. Routine Maintenance, servicing the Cooling System, making sure the Coolant is clean ... read more
Posted on 2/8/2022

Is an Oil Pan Leak serious? If you are driving with Low Oil levels, that is certainly a sure way to damage your engine, replacing an Engine is way more expensive then regular Oil changes. Being stranded is no fun, especially in this cold weather in the Midwest. What is an Oil Pan in an Engine? The Oil Pan itself is made of Aluminum or Steel, with Aluminum being the most preferred, although more expensive. The Oil Pans main function is as a reservoir for the Oil pumped through out the Engine. Having a pump resting in the pan filters out debris, dirt and other impurities that flow thru the Engine. Depending on climate, colder weather with snow accumulating, may rust out sooner than the usual replacement every 8-9 years, because of salt used on the roads. What can cause an oil pan leak Worn or damaged Oil Pan Gaskets too long between Oil Changes If gasket is incorrectly installed. Rings or Seals are bad. Symptoms Gone to long without an oil ... read more